
Event DATE Solved! The RAPTURE occurs in Early 2018!!! FORENSICS

Here are all the FORENSICS: Based on RECENT EVENTS in December 2017, We can now (with confidence) provide a narrow window for the EVENT TIMELINE, The RAPTURE, and Second Coming of Christ (We FEEL IT STILL, yet we’re SORRY NOT SORRY that those BAD AT LOVE will somehow find a way. SOMETHING BIG JUST HAPPENED on the Winter Solstice 2017 to help us all in a big, big way. Get the Details here in this video.)

Donations: http://theplanetdailynews.com/ Book: (Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation by Tom Price http://theplanetdailynews.com/getting... 

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We provide proof that 2012 is happening now in 2017 & beyond. We provide classes to ready and train you for this imminent transition. We provide the relevant news. 

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Key Words: QTZ1181, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, Alex Jones, disclosure, Geoengineering, 

***** Sources ************** 

(1) Tom’s Book: “Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation” by Tom Price http://theplanetdailynews.com/getting... 

(2) Light Alliance Info www.livethefuturenow.com Gordon’s Book: The Transfiguration of our World (amazon) 

(5) Winston Shrout Gregorian Calendar off 5 Days https://youtu.be/VqjSkkM0JG4 by: The Goldfish Report No. 171

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