
Interview with Fmr Air Force Sgt. Niara Isley About her Secret Space Program Experiences

Niara's Website - https://facingtheshadowembracingtheli...
Niara's Book - https://goo.gl/JaxMW3 

"Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening is the story of one woman's induction into the world of extraterrestrials, flying saucers, shadow government operations and finally, her own transformation. Through trying to understand what happened to her, with the larger context of such activities even more disturbing than the trauma and abuse inflicted upon her personally, she comes to remarkable insights into the crucible that is our world today as she takes her own spiritual journey of personal healing." . . . 

DTI FB Group - https://goo.gl/qnTxPU 

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