
2.15 - FL Shooting/NSA Incident/Other Articles & Cosmic/UFO News

Q Posts - https://qcodefag.github.io/

Evidence of multiple shooters: High Schooler Testimony - https://goo.gl/53RQfR 

NSA Incident - https://goo.gl/iDndUu 

Obama’s Painter Has Long ‘Predatory,’ ‘Perverse’ History Of Sneaking Sperm Into Paintings - https://goo.gl/CZzgAa 

Judge refuses to withdraw Julian Assange arrest warrant - https://goo.gl/ZQ8Q85 
'The international aid industry needs to be aware of the scale of sexual abuse happening on their watch': Former UN chief says 'paedophilia' is a word charities dare not say - https://goo.gl/pQ8giV 

Scientists to explore an underwater world near Antarctica that's been hidden for 120,000 years - https://goo.gl/ac7udm 

The 'Illuminati' is REAL and secretly running our world claims former DEFENCE MINISTER - https://goo.gl/jYucMM . . 

Twitter: @destroyillusion 
Facebook: @destroyingtheillusion 
Secret Space Program Webinars: https://www.secretspaceprogram.com/ 
Destroying the Illusion Apparel & Accessories - https://goo.gl/X99wTD

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